Cookie Policy

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Our websites use so-called "cookies." Cookies are small data packets that do not harm your device. They are stored either temporarily for the duration of a session (session cookies) or permanently (permanent cookies) on your device. Session cookies are automatically deleted after your visit. Permanent cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them or they are automatically deleted by your web browser. Cookies can be from us (first-party cookies) or from third-party companies (so-called third-party cookies).

Third-party cookies allow the integration of certain services provided by third-party companies within websites (e.g., cookies for processing payment services). Cookies have various functions. Many cookies are technically necessary, as certain website functions would not work without them (e.g., the shopping cart function or the display of videos). Other cookies can be used to evaluate user behavior or for advertising purposes. Cookies that are necessary for the electronic communication process, to provide certain functions you requested (e.g., for the shopping cart function), or to optimize the website (e.g., cookies to measure the web audience) are stored based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO unless another legal basis is specified.

The website operator has a legitimate interest in storing necessary cookies for the technically error-free and optimized provision of its services. If consent for the storage of cookies and similar recognition technologies has been requested, processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of this consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG); consent can be revoked at any time. You can set your browser to inform you about the setting of cookies and to allow cookies only in individual cases, to exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general, and to activate the automatic deletion of cookies when closing the browser. If cookies are deactivated, the functionality of this website may be restricted. You can find out which cookies and services are used on this website in this privacy policy.

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